

by in Organic Products April 22, 2020

Hibiscus tea, made from dried parts of the hibiscus plant, is one of the most beneficial herbal teas in the world. It has sweet and tart flavors, similar to cranberry, and is not just delicious but also has a number of health benefits.

Hibiscus has its origins in North Africa and Southeast Asia. In fact in ancient Egypt, it was served cold and used primarily by Pharaohs to cool off in the desert heat. Today, people around the world use various parts of the plant in food, teas and medicine. The best part of Hibiscus tea is that it does not contain any caffeine; so you can enjoy a hot mug of hibiscus tea before bed to soothe your mind and to help you relax.


Hibiscus is rich in vitamin C and minerals, and is also revered as a mild tonic. Sipping on a steaming cup of hibiscus tea is thought to promote relaxation and ease the aches associated with colds and other illnesses. Theres plenty of research done on Hibiscus which proves the ability of hibiscus tea to control hypertension. It is said to have diuretic and antidepressant properties. Hibiscus flowers are also effective laxatives & liver-friendly.

Here’s our top 4 picks :

Hibiscus is loaded with Antioxidants

From all the health benefits of hibiscus tea, the one that is unanimous with other teas is the presence of antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that help fight against harmful compounds in the body known as free radicals. Free radicals are produced during many of the chemical processes that happen inside the body. By draining the free radicals from the body, antioxidants prevent the formation of disease which is commonly caused by the buildup of free radicals

Hibiscus helps with High blood pressure

One of the commonly known health benefits of hibiscus tea is its properties that help lower blood pressure. Several medical studies indicate that hibiscus extract with tea may help reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that consuming hibiscus tea lowered blood pressure in people at risk of high blood pressure and those with mildly high blood pressure.

Hibiscus may help with weight loss

For people always on a look out for healthy drinks, this ones a hard miss. iF you’re all in for weight loss, a cool or hot drink with Hibiscus would be the perfect addition to your diet plan. One report showed that hibiscus resulted in a lower body mass index (BMI). It concludes that Hibiscus extract inhibits obesity and fat accumulation. It is also believed that it lowers absorption of starch and glucose which helps avoid further weight gain.

Hibiscus stimulates sleep

A good night’s sleep is a vital, often neglected, part of your overall health. It is important for your optimal fitness, to help prevent excess weight gain and to repair your body.  Hibiscus is known to inhabit sedative & anxiolytic effects. From relieving pain, anxiety, fever to headaches, hibiscus tea has calming properties that help you slip into a deep sleep at nights.