About Us

PSA is a scaled, sustainable, triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) enterprise that operates various organic agribusinesses from Seed to Consumer in West Africa.

Our Story

Our operations start from farm production to processing, culminating with global distribution of premium products. Our Seed to Consumer strategy provides a level of providence for our product lines that allows PSA to obtain the highest levels of Global product certifications. Over the past decade PSA has operated within the local, regional and export agricultural markets of West Africa. Combining agricultural input supply with farm output handling, PSA grew to include agricultural consultancy and outreach services that developed into our own farms. During the past five years we began to increase our efforts in developing organic farming practices and operations in West Africa. We currently cultivate over 500 hectares organically. Our model is scalable allowing us to increase our output at a steady rate as required by our markets. We operate nucleus farms that bring local farming communities previously dependent on subsistence agricultural methods into the organic fold thereby connecting them to the global consumer markets. This enables all stakeholders to benefit from our seed to consumer strategy.


Numbers Behind Our Quality

PSA employs over 100 local staff directly, and has seasonal employment of up to 200 local staff. Additionally, PSA delivers technology, input and agribusiness innovations that help local businesses to excel and provide continuous economic and livelihood growth.



Kevin Marks

Farm Manager

Lawal Muhammad

Farm Operations Manager

Abubakar Adamu

Farm Operations Manager

Mohammed Mustafa


Yuvraj Tipule

Agronomical Manager

Our Research Partners

Dr. Niklaus Foidl

One of the leading western experts in Moringa cultivation. Dr. Foidl served as an advisor to our farm planning and development team on agronomical matters from the planning stage through execution.

IITA is an award-winning, research-for-development  (R4D) organization, providing solutions to hunger, poverty, and the degradation of natural resources in Africa.

Our Farms

We benefit from the natural environment of the Sahel and Savannah regions of West Africa. The semi-arid climate provides ideal conditions for our crops.
We utilise unique, organic cultivation methods for field crop and agroforestry production enabling us to avoid the use of synthetic, inorganic inputs while producing high quality and healthy outputs. We continually update and upgrade our agricultural systems to implement the latest organic farming technologies and methods. 

Due to its proximity to the Sahara and low periods of rain, we ensure a sufficient supply of water through supplementary irrigation. We cultivate our farms under various irrigation methods including drip and rain fed. Our irrigation method guarantee that only the exact requirements of water are utilised, without wastage of one of the world’s most precious resources.