Moringa Seed – Benefits & Uses

Moringa Seed – Benefits & Uses

by May 21, 2020

Pioneer Sustainable Agriculture has some of the largest Organic Moringa farms in the world- its no surprise therefore that we’ve often been asked what Moringa Seeds are used for & what its benefits are. A lot of people think that Moringa seed is just like any other seed that grows on trees- if you think the same, we’re here to change your mind.

Did you know that there are 4 edible parts of the Moringa tree– its pods, leaves, roots and seeds. Besides being edible, they are used to make medicine as well. This plant is known to have been grown across the world to solve problems like malnutrition, starvation, rural poverty, public health and deforestation.

Pioneer Sustainable Agriculture- Moringa farm

Moringa Seed Uses

One of the most known facts is that Moringa Oil is pressed out of Moringa seeds and used in foods, perfume, and hair care products, and as a machine lubricant. Besides this, the seeds are removed from mature pods and cooked like peas or roasted like nuts.

Morina Seed Benefits

Proteins & Lipids

Moringa seeds are considerable sources of proteins and lipids.
Lipids are a necessary part of a healthy diet & there are multiple functions of lipids within our body. Beyond the various roles they play in the proper functioning of the body organs, lipids act as a source of energy, aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, insulate our body & provide the essential fatty acids.

Can Lower Cholesterol

A study done in 2003 on rabbits fed with moringa (200mg/kg/day) for 120 days, showed the rabbits to have lower serum cholesterol levels in their bodies. These rabbits showed a decrease in the lipid profiles of the liver and the heart. The study promptly concluded that moringa contains cholesterol and lipid lowering properties

Vitamins & Minerals.

Moringa seeds contain vitamins A and B1. They are also sources of minerals, micronutrients, and bioactive compounds.
Vitamin A plays a key role in vision and possesses antioxidant properties in the form of β‐carotene. In fact Vitamin E has also been reported in Moringa seed. Moringa seeds are also rich in minerals of which potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, magnesium, and calcium are the principal minerals. All of these immensely help with boosting our immune system.

Treats Anemia

Moringa seeds are rich in iron, a nutrient that is responsible for maintaining a healthy RBC count in our blood. A deficiency of iron leads to anemia. Deficiency of Iron causes various other problems as well. Such as, poor cognitive skills, overall weakness, headaches & shortness of breath.

Anti-Inflammatory And Antioxidant Properties

Moringa seeds possess a great amount of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that play a vital role in the healing processes of many diseases.

Support Brain Health

Moringa seeds are a rich source of amino acids, antioxidants and Vitamin E, which are all the best sources for a healthy brain & required to increase our mental focus.

Heals Ulcers

Moringa seeds have brilliant anti-ulcer properties. Traditionally, it has been widely consumed in various parts of the world to treat gastric ulcers (17). A study done on rats with induced gastric ulcers and moringa leaf extract administered regularly, showed that regular moringa extract helped reduce the ulcers.

Improves Eyesight

Moringa seeds are a rich source of Vitamin A which is known to improve eyesight or help treat poor vision.

Moringa Seeds

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