
Social, Economic & Environment impact of Pioneer Sustainable Agriculture in Nigeria

Moringa Seed Water Purification

by in Impact, Organic Products September 14, 2020

We know that the purity level of the water being consumed is very crucial since it has a direct effect on health. More than half of all illnesses and deaths among children are caused by germs, which get into the mouth via water and food. Poorly treated water resulting from shortage of water treatment facilities has been said to cause waterborne diseases that kills people every day while others suffer from the side effects. The […]

Drip Irrigation- Our Water Conservation Solution

by in Farming, Impact July 30, 2020

The rising concerns of climate change, water shortage & increasing pollution has brought together not just international organisations but also forced private institutions to stop and take steps towards being more Sustainable to conserve our planet. Scarcity of water is now experienced in every part of the world. Water shortage is often driven by the local presence of water in the region verses the increase in demand for water caused by population expansion & increase […]

Importance of positive Environmental Impact in Nigeria

by in Impact July 15, 2020

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Nigeria cleared an average of nearly 410,000 hectares of forest from 1990 to 2005 which translates into nearly 4% of the country’s rainforests disappearing every year. 70-80% of Nigerias original forests have disappeared through logging, agriculture, city expansion, expansion of roads and building of industry. This has led to loss of plants and animals that depend on these forests. With the expected consequences of climate change these […]

Women empowerment through equal opportunities: Our Goal.

by in Impact July 6, 2020

Our main Impact Goal is to ensure Women empowerment through equal work opportunities. We are regularly working towards our mission to ensure equal representation of women:men in our Management by 2021.  All over the world, and in all walks of life, women are creating, designing & innovating to make better lives for us, our families & our communities. Women are building a bridge of equality; connecting to others and doing more prosperous & fulfilling work. […]

Environmental impact and Food

by in Farming, Impact June 5, 2020

We’re doing it, so can you! The expansion of agriculture has been one of humanity’s largest impacts on the environment; and yet; the stalling of expansion would mean starvation of millions. There have been significant advancements in technology that have led to more crop yields and better use of agricultural land. The below visualization shows the index of the arable land area needed to produce an equivalent aggregate of crop production- change from 1961 to […]